patient sitting in dental chair, talking with hygienist

How Much Does A Teeth Cleaning Cost in Gwinnett County, GA?


One of the foundational steps in maintaining a high level of oral hygiene involves professional teeth cleaning from your dentist. Recommended at least every six months by your dentist, a cleaning can help to remove the buildup of plaque and tartar - especially in those hidden crevices. 

You know this is important and you know that budgeting can help you make it happen. So, how much does teeth cleaning cost in Gwinnett County? Let’s check it out. 

The Importance of Routine Teeth Cleaning

When looking into the cost of teeth cleaning, it is important to also look at the cost of not having routine teeth cleaning. Your oral health doesn’t just impact your mouth, but rather your entire body. Research has shown that there is a link between gum inflammation and serious medical risks, such as:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Respiratory disease
  • Stroke
  • Various cancers

The cost of ignoring your oral health can be great. By having routine teeth cleanings and maintaining good oral hygiene at home, you can reduce your chance of negatively impacting your health. 

What’s more, dentists can uncover potential concerns with your teeth and gums while you are at your cleaning. This will allow you to address these issues before they turn into a more complex - and expensive - dental emergency.

The Teeth Cleaning Procedure

Generally speaking, a teeth cleaning procedure is rather routine, though you may encounter slight variations depending on where you go. Below will give you an idea of what it looks like. 

The first step is removing plaque, calculus, and debris that has built up around the gum line or between the teeth. This may be done using a manual scaler or an ultrasonic scale that uses air pressure. Once everything is cleared out, the dental hygienist will begin to polish the teeth, one tooth at a time, using a special paste. And, finally, flossing the teeth and a rinse will remove anything that has been left behind. 

Your teeth will feel fresh and clean. 

Keep in mind that sometimes routine cleanings may involve taking x-rays and an exam from the dentist. This presents the opportunity to address any issues or areas of concern before they turn into something more. 

How Much Does a Teeth Cleaning Cost? 

The cost of a teeth cleaning will vary based on your dentist and your geographical location. In Gwinnett County, the average cost of a healthy mouth teeth cleaning is around $125.00. Remember that an exam and x-rays may be required as well; a hygienist can not just clean your teeth without a dentist's examination.  If the examination shows that you have signs of gum disease, additional treatment may be required.

Keep in mind that this preventive care is often covered by dental insurance to give you peace of mind. Otherwise, due to the importance of the regular cleaning - and the high cost of not following through - this is something you will want to budget for every six months. Or, at the very least, annually.  

Teeth Cleaning at Suwanee Family Dentistry

If you are in the Gwinnett County area and you are due for a teeth cleaning, the dental team at Suwanee Family Dentistry is waiting for you. 

Contact us today at 678-714-2380 to learn about our Dental Savings Club plan that will allow you to pay monthly and receive your bi-annual cleanings and so much more. 

Ready to schedule? Request an appointment online!