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Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Woman having trouble sleeping

Sleep Disruptions

  • Do you wake up with a dry mouth?
  • Do you experience irritability?
  • Do you wake up gasping for air?
  • Do you suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day?
  • Do you have frequent morning headaches?
  • Have you been told that you snore or stop breathing at night?

  • Snoring

    Snoring is caused by narrowing or blocking of the airway. The disruption of airflow causes the soft palate and tissues of the throat to vibrate, and the narrower the airway becomes, the louder the snoring.

  • Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a patient experiences one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep. The sleep disruption caused by sleep apnea can negatively impact your quality of sleep, leaving you tired and irritable.


  • Lifestyle Changes

    Minor sleep disruptions can often be addressed with lifestyle changes such as weight loss, smoking cessation, or  clearing your nasal passages.

  • Custom Sleep Appliances

    Many patients that suffer from either sleep apnea or snoring may be able to find relief using a custom removable oral Appliance which adjusts the position of the lower jaw and tongue during sleep. Our office can create a personalized Mandibular Advancement Device for you to wear during sleep in order to maintain an open, unobstructed airway when worn while sleeping. Please be sure to bring your oral appliance in to your appointments to make sure it is fitting properly. Learn More

  • Breathing Devices

    For moderate to severe sleep apnea, a breathing device called a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) may be helpful. A CPAP machine uses a mask that fits over your mouth and/or nose and gently blows air into your throat. This air pressure helps keep your airway open while you sleep.